

The Light of the World Covenant Fellowship International Association (LOTWCFIA)

was consecrated and commissioned by continuation of Shiloh Apostolic United Church of Christ Worldwide Association (established July 7, 1968) of which Archbishop Malachi Ramsay of London, England was presiding prelate. In 1994 Bishop Jimmie L. Smith was consecrated Archbishop of the Light of the World Interdenominational International Association. The ministries of the Shiloh Apostolic United Church of Christ Worldwide Association were placed under the auspice of LOTWCFIA the Light to continue the work of retiring Archbishop Malachi Ramsay (Apostle Peter Anointing).

The Light of the World Covenant Fellowship International Association is an organization consisting of churches and para-church ministries from various Christian denominations throughout the world, and is a joint venture to:

•Promote the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ locally, nationally and internationally.

•Promote the unity of the “Body of Christ” in an effort to further the “Kingdom of God” as a vital part of the domestic and international community.

•Promote the success of each affiliate pastor/ministry in the fulfillment of the vision God has given his/her particular organization.

• Promote the effectiveness of more devoted stewardship by establishing a “network” of research and resource facilities with a common point of exchange.

•Promote the development and enhance the level of preparation available for any individual desiring to serve in a ministerial capacity.

The LOTWCFIA is not a politically inclined or governmentally influenced organization, neither is it a governing body for the churches or ministries affiliated within its organizational structure. The belief of this association is that each church and each pastor maintain the complete freedom to express the move of the Holy Spirit upon their particular ministry. We are not to be viewed as another arena of division within the Christian community, but rather as a point of unity.

We are interdenominational in scope and international in our reach. As “fishers of men.” we are commanded to “launch out into the deep, and let down our nets for a draught.” We fully believe in the ministry of networking with other members of the Christian community, as this method is ordained of God and is in direct obedience to the word of God. The LOTWCFIA presently has members in seventeen countries and a membership of over 200,000.

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