THE LATE ARCHBISHOP JIMMIE LEE SMITH was a native of Lithonia, Georgia. He spread the word of God for more than 40 years. He was married to Dr. Ruth Williams Smith and they share five children and 12 grandchildren. He served as Senior Pastor of Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International headquartered in Stockbridge, Georgia. He along with his wife Dr. Ruth established Light of the World Covenant Fellowship International that oversees 32 countries with a membership of over 200,000. He was instrumental in the establishment and growth of several other churches in the metropolitan Atlanta area.

His reach was far beyond the boundaries of his local community. He was intensely civic minded. In the pursuits of fulfilling his civic duties, he advised and counseled local, state, and national leaders and used his influence to make changes for the good of all mankind. He advised leaders from the Office of the President to the office of local county officials. He was sought out for his sound advice and wise spiritual counsel. His influence was powerful and long reaching locally, nationally and internationally. Archbishop was a recording artist as well as an author. He was a wise prophet of God who took every opportunity presented to entertain strangers by offering forgiveness, love, inspiration and a warm smile.

DR. RUTH W. SMITH is a native of Greensboro, Alabama. She accepted Christ in 1964 and was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1981. She married Pastor Jimmie Lee Smith in 1982. She answered her call to the ministry in 1990 and Co-Founded Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International and Light of the World Covenant Fellowship International. She was ordained in 1991. Under their leadership, The Light grew from 400 to 1,500 members in a 4-year period. They served as a dynamic leadership team until Archbishop Jimmie Lee Smith went home to be with the Lord in 2008.
Light of the World Covenant Fellowship International is an organization that mentors and empowers Pastors and Ministries throughout the world. Light of the World’s Mission Statement is to ”See A World Without Darkness”. Dr. Ruth was consecrated as Archbishop July 13, 2008 and became the first female consecrated to the office of Archbishop over an International Association or Diocese World-wide. She serves as Archbishop of The Light of The World Covenant Fellowship International which has ministries in 32 countries with a membership over 200,000.
Dr. Ruth has a passion for helping people advance the Kingdom of God. At an early age she proved to be a woman of faith by participating in the integration of schools in Hale County, Alabama. Dr. Ruth worked for Bellsouth Corporation as an Executive Manager for 25 years. She holds a Master’s in Biblical Counseling and Doctorate in Ministry from Biblical Life College and Seminary in Marshfield, Missouri. She is the published author of five books entitled “A Word On Love”, “Keep Moving”, “Rules of Encouragement”, “The Voice” and “Generosity” Through her leadership at The Light she champions community support through food and clothing drives. In 2013 she received the “Torch Bearer” award by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in Washington, DC for her many years of work as a scholar and spiritual leader committed to the ideals and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the SCLC founder. Dr. Ruth passion is to empower young people thus she has recently opened the Jimmie Lee Smith Community Center (JLSCC) which provides Sports, Education and Entertainment to the surrounding communities. She established 3 satellite Locations – LOTW Decatur – December 2015, LOTW South – April 2016 and LOTW Gwinnett – December 2016. She is the proud mother of five children and twelve grandchildren and two great-grandchildren whom she dearly loves.
She is anointed to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, which she readily does worldwide. Dr. Ruth’s foundational scripture is Romans 8:28, “For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose”.